What is the role of parents in children’s healthy diet?

What is the role of parents in children's healthy diet?

Parents play a key role in promoting healthy eating . From the beginning, choosing breastfeeding can provide nutrition for babies and help them learn to better regulate their food intake.

Parents can also:

Provide healthy and nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables every day. Be sensitive to the child when hungry and full, and provide for part of age to avoid overeating.

Teach children what time to eat, eat slowly.

Meal time is a pleasant time without stress and distraction.

Provide tools that are easy to eat (such as age-appropriate utensils, straw cups, high chairs), and encourage family meals as much as possible .

Limit the time to watch TV to 1-2 hours a day, only for children over 2 years old . Encourage children to exercise.

Finally, one of the best ways for parents to encourage healthy eating is to be a good role model.


