The biggest difference between a normal delivery baby and a C-section delivery baby is not the IQ, but these three points

First of all, we want to explain that normal delivery and cesarean section are just two delivery methods. There is no essential difference between the birth of a child. No matter which method is chosen, the child born is healthy, and there is no intelligence and promotion. The difference.

Of course, there are still small differences between the two different delivery methods, but these differences are basically made up for through later nursing.


The biggest difference between a normal delivery baby and a C-section delivery baby is not the IQ, but these three points-1


1. Children born under cesarean section are more likely to have lung infections

During the birth of a normal child, the fetus uses uterine contraction and squeezing of the birth canal to excrete amniotic fluid and mucus in the lungs and respiratory tract to avoid aspiration of amniotic fluid and meconium into the lungs and reduce the occurrence of neonatal pneumonia. When the head is squeezed in the birth canal, the respiratory center is stimulated, which is conducive to the establishment of normal breathing after birth.

For children born by caesarean section, without the process of compression of the birth canal, the expansion of the lungs may be worse, so it is more likely to induce neonatal pneumonia and breathing problems.

2. Children born by cesarean section are more likely to have allergies

During the normal delivery process, the fetus can come into contact with some normal biological flora through the mother’s birth canal. Medical research shows that these biological flora can act as a vaccine to immunize newborns and prevent infections and diseases after birth.

During the operation of the caesarean section, if the fetus does not pass through the birth canal, the chance of contact with these biological flora will be greatly reduced. In addition, the operation is aseptic, which may affect the establishment of the flora in the baby’s body.

But these can be improved by breastfeeding and complementary food after the baby is born, because breast milk contains hundreds of bacteria, which is conducive to the establishment of the baby’s flora and regulates immunity.


The biggest difference between a normal delivery baby and a C-section delivery baby is not the IQ, but these three points-2


3. The psychological development of children who give birth is better

Studies have found that children born by cesarean section are more likely to have psychological qualities such as escape, withdrawal, and ease in their psychological development. Psychologists speculate that this is related to the passive birth of cesarean section. In the mother-infant relationship of the newborn, more running-in is also needed.

The process of giving birth is the first time a mother and child cooperate to complete and win a battle together. This has a positive effect on the psychological construction of children, and the relationship between mother and child is closer and more closely connected. Children’s emotional abilities are established earlier, and positive psychological qualities are easier to establish.

The process of normal delivery helps babies take a step ahead in their psychological development. Compared with babies born by caesarean section, their development is smoother, and their sense of security and emotional abilities are more stable.

However, this kind of psychological development is not directly related to the child’s intelligence, so there is no reliable scientific basis for the claim that a child born into childbirth is smarter.

Moreover, this is only the research result obtained through a part of the experiment. It has not been fully proved yet, so parents don’t need to worry at all.

The biggest difference between a normal delivery baby and a C-section delivery baby is not the IQ, but these three points-3



Therefore, whether it is a cesarean section or a normal delivery, the ultimate goal is to avoid harm to the mother and the child.


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