collapse! kids scribble everywhere, and it’s never a headache again!

the neighbor huan huan was a three-year-old boy. he loves to draw, but this hobby gives his mom and dad a terrible headache!

it turned out that huan huan did not paint on the picture book that his parents specially bought for him, but always used the white walls of his house as his own drawing board, and painted his masterpieces everywhere.

there was no way, huan huan’s parents had to repaint the wall, but before waiting for two days, huan huan immediately added his masterpiece.

looking at the colorful walls, the happy parents were about to collapse.

collapse! kids scribble everywhere, and it's never a headache again!

1. graffiti is actually an intuitive manifestation of children’s perception of the world

in fact, many children like to draw with a variety of strokes from the age of one or two. as long as they can reach the place, whether it is the living room, kitchen, dining room, or bedroom, they can leave their various works everywhere.

the child’s graffiti behavior will undoubtedly make the house that our parents have worked hard to clean suddenly become disorganized.

however, our mom and dad look at the walls, please don’t be angry! because, the graffiti of children at this stage is not deliberately bad, but a way for them to express themselves.

when children are young, they cannot express their true emotions very clearly. painting has become their simplest tool for self-expression.

because children in this period do not yet have the expression of communicating with words, numbers and other means, painting can achieve the purpose of communication with the outside world to a certain extent, so that children can have psychological satisfaction.

in this sense, painting is not a separate act of painting, but a child’s natural way of expression and emotional expression.

they paint their own perceptions of the world, their inner emotions and feelings, and their current state of mind and body.

2. from graffiti, perceive the child’s world

take the painter, for example, the person drawn by the 2-year-old is usually just a simple big circle; the 3-year-old draws more people with more heads and hands and feet; the 4- and 5-year-old children draw people who are closer to reality, they will have details such as neck, body, hair and so on.

therefore, painting – showing not only the child’s continuous self-improvement process of the world’s cognition, but also the process of the child’s internal exploration and discovery.

seemingly graffiti, in fact, it is the child who expresses the world he perceives through these works.

collapse! kids scribble everywhere, and it's never a headache again!

therefore, to understand the child, parents may wish to start with the “masterpiece” of the child’s graffiti, carefully observe the child’s graffiti, and patiently listen to the content of the child’s graffiti.

especially when children talk to our parents about their “masterpieces”, we must listen very carefully and devote ourselves to it, and from time to time ask one or two small questions to guide children to continue to enrich their own expression. this not only enriches the parent-child activities between our parents and children, but also gives a good exercise to the child’s imagination and expression ability.

3. provide a bigger platform for children to doodle

if our parents prepare a lot of drawing books for their children, but children still like to scribble around. we parents can’t blindly criticize them, because this is likely that the painting platform provided to them by our parents is too small to satisfy their free play space.

at this time, parents can provide children with a wider platform for drawing! for example, paste a whole side of wipable drawing paper on the wall of your home and tell your child: now, this whole wall is where you draw.

at the same time, our parents can also draw on the wipable paper with the child, so that the child can experience more of the fun of drawing, establish the child’s good memory of drawing on the scratchable paper, the child will be more willing and more active to draw on the scratchable paper, rather than scribbling everywhere, which makes our parents have a headache.

4. let the child clean up the environment of the drawing himself

the child made a mess of the house in front of him, and our parents immediately cleaned up after the head, and the child could not appreciate what kind of trouble their graffiti behavior would bring to our parents.

when we find that our children leave masterpieces in places where they should not be painting, our parents must be their hearts and let the children personally clean up his crime scene.

for the first time, we moms and dads can take the kids with them to clean up their dirty spots. but at the same time of cleaning up, our parents must clearly and clearly tell the children: in the future, if such a situation occurs, parents will not help, they will clean up independently.

only when children clean up their “crime scene” by themselves can they understand how much trouble their untimely graffiti will cause us all.

later, when children scribble before scribbling, they will feel a certain pressure to change the bad habit of scribbling everywhere.

collapse! kids scribble everywhere, and it's never a headache again!

write at the end

the french educator rousseau once said in the book “emile”: “educators only need to be able to create an appropriate environment for children’s free development, and then let children exert their own enthusiasm, through activities and personal experiences, understand life, learn, and grow healthily.”

therefore, no matter whether the child draws well or badly, our parents must have a respectful attitude, actively give feedback and affirmation to the child’s works, and strive to create a good painting environment, so that the child continues to have strong confidence and strong interest in painting, so that the child is more willing to express themselves through painting, healthy and happy growth.


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