Is the baby so young that she is “full of dirty words”? note! 2 terrible language sensitivities have arrived!

stinky mom, fart mom, beat you to death”

i don’t want to eat it, it tastes like

“are you an idiot, big idiot?”

parents, have your 3- or 4-year-old baby ever uttered such a surprising remark?

little people less than a meter tall are either talking harshly or full of and peeing, telling a story well, and the indecent words are hard implanted, singing a song well, and can also turn into the ditch.

is the baby so young that she is "full of dirty words"? note! 2 terrible language sensitivities have arrived!

image source: scientific family parenting original

even some children are 5 years old and 6 years old, and they are still interested in and, what is this?


why did the baby in this period become “dirty”?

to analyze this problem, hkust had to first bring out a big name, the founder of the psychoanalytic school: freud.

he divided the psychosexual development of people into five stages:

is the baby so young that she is "full of dirty words"? note! 2 terrible language sensitivities have arrived!

3 to 6 years old baby, after the desire period, when coming to the oedipus period, will get pleasure from their own excretion, at the same time, the language ability will rapidly improve…

the pleasure of excretion and the power of language once the golden wind and jade dew meet, there is a phenomenon of full of and.

is the baby so young that she is "full of dirty words"? note! 2 terrible language sensitivities have arrived!

this “oedipal period”, which is what we call the foul language sensitive period, is also called the curse sensitive period.

children at this stage will have the following characteristics:

(1) be extremely sensitive to curse words or profanity such as “stinky ass”, “stinky ass”, “stinky shit”, “kill you”, etc.

(2) often quickly grasp the essentials, self-taught, very fanatical, and used regardless of time and occasion.


Children are not terrible, your 4 ways of speaking are terrible!


It's cold, and your baby's bathing can't be as simple as it is in summer!

