Why is infant mental health important?


Mental health problems, including various illnesses, usually originate in early childhood. This topic brings together a variety of articles and topics related to the mental health of mothers and children to better understand the impact of mental health on the psychosocial development of young children.

Many mental health problems begin in early childhood, including depression, anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, and disruptive behavior problems (such as aggression, disapproval, and contempt) .

The first signs of some mental health problems are persistent changes in children’s behavior that affect the way they work (for example, changes in mood, energy levels, sleep, attitude and appetite) .

Professionals now have effective diagnostic tools to identify mental disorders in young children. However, parents still play an important role and are often the first to see the warning signs. This points to the need to better inform parents of early signs of mental health problems so that they can seek help for their children as soon as possible.


Effects of television and advertising on children’s eating behavior


A review of children’s mental health

