his father took 5-year-old li ka-shing to his room and turned over a broken box that changed his life

li ka-shing was born in guangdong in 1928. one day when li ka-shing was 5 years old, his father took him to his room and pulled out a dusty, dilapidated box. little li ka-shing was full of curiosity, what exactly was in it? he couldn’t have imagined that this broken box would change his life.

his father took 5-year-old li ka-shing to his room and turned over a broken box that changed his life

junior li ka-shing and middle-aged li ka-shing

my father opened the box and it was filled with tattered books. my father took out one of them and said meaningfully to li ka-shing, “these books, your uncles and i read when i was a child, we came out of these books, i hope you can understand what i mean.” li ka-shing, 5 years old, did not understand his father’s deep meaning at that time. but, from that day on, he fell in love with reading and learning.

his father took 5-year-old li ka-shing to his room and turned over a broken box that changed his life

li ka-shing’s family

li ka-shing’s childhood was not very happy, however, fortunately, he had a far-sighted father. his father often accompanied him through the night and read late into the night, and was always patient to answer his questions. even if it seems so boring and childish. li ka-shing’s enthusiasm for reading was cultivated from that time.

his father took 5-year-old li ka-shing to his room and turned over a broken box that changed his life

after li ka-shing became a father, he inherited his father’s reading style, and the children were full of bookish atmosphere

however, as soon as li ka-shing entered junior high school, his family moved to hong kong to join his uncle, and the books were lost on the way. soon after, his father fell ill and died. li ka-shing, who came out of his injuries, did not want to send people to the fence, so he dropped out of school, began to embark on the road of part-time work, and became the general manager of a company at the age of 18. under the poverty, li ka-shing still does not forget to enrich himself and improve himself with old books.


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