Children’s flu season is high, parents should do this for prevention

It’s another period of high incidence of cold viruses, especially influenza viruses. How to prevent childhood influenza has always become a hot topic among mothers.

1. The difference between the flu and the common cold

First, the causes are different: the common cold is caused by a variety of common cold viruses, and the flu is caused by influenza viruses.

Second, the symptoms are different: the symptoms of the common cold revolve around runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, low-grade fever, etc. The symptoms are relatively mild, while the flu is more serious. It will cause pain, high fever, constant coughing, vomiting and other symptoms. .


Children\'s flu season is high, parents should do this for prevention-1

Third, the complications are different: the common cold has fewer complications, occasionally mild bacterial infections, and flu complications are more serious, and even viral myocarditis, pneumonia meningitis, etc. may occur.

To prevent common flu, it is good to do daily protection, such as washing hands frequently, ventilating more, and preventing flu. In addition to common prevention methods, it is recommended to get flu vaccine, especially for children.

2. Classification and function of influenza vaccine

a Classification of influenza vaccines

Children’s influenza vaccine: It is a trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine, specifically for healthy children from 6 months to 3 years of age. Two injections are completed, and there is a 14-day interval between them.

Adult influenza vaccine: It is a quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine. As long as healthy people over 3 years old can get adult influenza vaccine, it only needs one shot to complete the vaccination.

Nasal spray flu vaccine: In recent years, the newly developed nasal spray flu vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine designed for healthy children aged 3-17. It is administered through the nasal cavity without intramuscular injection. It is a good choice for children who are afraid of injections.

b The role of influenza vaccine

The influenza virus mutates every year, so it needs to be vaccinated every year. The influenza vaccine vaccinated that year only provides protection against the influenza virus of that year, and the body begins to produce antibodies 2 weeks after vaccination, so vaccination from September to October every year is ideal.

The nasal spray flu vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine. The body starts to produce virus antibodies within 3 days after the vaccination, which is convenient and fast.

Due to the characteristics of the influenza virus, the most economical and effective way to prevent is to get the flu vaccine on time every year, especially for children with poor physical conditions.


Children\'s flu season is high, parents should do this for prevention-2

3. Precautions for vaccination

There are several precautions to be aware of before and after the flu vaccine:

First, you should not have colds and respiratory symptoms 7 days before the vaccination, otherwise you will encounter the incubation period of the cold after vaccination, and you will mistake it for the adverse reaction of the flu vaccine;

Second, take a good rest the day before the vaccination to ensure that your body is in its best condition. Because of different personal physiques, a good condition can effectively avoid minor vaccination reactions after vaccination;


Children\'s flu season is high, parents should do this for prevention-3

Third, common vaccination reactions include mild fever, local lumps, nausea, fatigue, etc., but the symptoms are relatively mild, and they will alleviate spontaneously within a day or two;

Fourth, there are many types of vaccinations for children under 3 years of age. Before vaccinating the flu, you need to explain to the vaccinators the types of vaccines the children are vaccinating, and let the vaccinating doctor arrange the time and order of vaccination reasonably.

Fifth, try not to vaccinate on an empty stomach.

Sixth, after inoculation, ensure that the inoculation site is clean, and try not to get wet.

The annual flu vaccine is supplied in sufficient quantity. Baoma needs to ask and make an appointment in time to vaccinate the child. Early vaccination and early prevention. Even if the best vaccination time is missed, the preventive effect of vaccination will not be affected.


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